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The Lobaro Hybrid Modbus Gateway is a simple to use, cost and energy efficient device that reads, caches and forwards data via Modbus from any number of Modbus enabled devices into the Internet.

The Gateway can be used to communicate with Modbus Slave devices (ASCII/RTU/TCP) on a RS-485 bus over NB-IoT, LTE-CatM1, LoRaWAN or LAN. Modbus commands can be transmitted via Downlink message to the Gateway and are forwarded by the Bridge to the connected Slave Devices. Received responses are forwarded as Uplink messages to the Lobaro IoT Platform. The Modbus Gateway can also be configured to execute Modbus commands regularly and report the responses at time of execution.

The Modbus Gateway supports reading of all four object types that can be provided by Modbus slave devices: Coil, Discrete Input, Input Register, and Holding Register. It also supports writing values to all writable objects: Coils and Holding Registers. Multiple different slave devices on the Bus can be accessed individually by a single Gateway device. Reading intervals and register definitions can be configured very flexibly to suit individual requirements.

Quick start guide

For details about each Steps please refer to the related detailed sections of the Manual below.

  • Make sure the SIM card is inserted correctly when using NB-IoT or LTE-CatM1.
  • Connect the Modbus Gateway to your Modbus Slave Devices
    • Via RS485 connector using a twisted pair cable: A to A, B to B, and GND to GND (GND is not strictly necessary but enhances the connection. Not all slave devices supply a GND connector).
    • Via ETH connector for Modbus TCP using a RJ45 LAN cable.
  • Connect the Modbus Bridge to a computer using the Lobaro Configuration Adapter and the Lobaro Maintenance Tool.
  • Connect power to the device - powering with the configuration adapter does not work.
  • Make sure the configuration is correct to connect to the Internet (depends on you connection method: Mobile, LoRaWAN or LAN.
  • Make sure the configuration is correct to read out your desired Modbus device (e.g. ASCII/RTU, Baud, Data Length, Stop Bits, Parity and Modbus Command).
  • Optionally: Switch to the Log tab of the Lobaro Tool to see if the device is connecting and working as expected.
  • Go to The Lobaro Platform and log into your account.
  • Go to "Devices" and select your "Hybrid Modbus Gateway".
  • If you have several Gateways: the "Address" is printed on the device's case as "DevEUI".
  • You should see all uplinks the Gateway collected so far. Next step is to configure your individual Device Type to display you slaves data or forward data to your own IT.

Supported Devices

The Lobaro Modbus Gateway works with all devices that act as a Modbus Client using RTU, ASCII or TCP. Some devices that have been used successfully with the Gateways are:




More information

Octave Ultrasonic MeterWater meterArad GroupExternal Link
ECL ControllerHeat/Hot Water RegulationDanfossExternal Link
UMD 97Smart Grid Power MeterPQ PlusExternal Link (German)
DRS458DEPower MeterB+G E-Tech GmbHExternal Link
Feuchtemessumformer PCE-P18 Modbus RTUHumidity / Temperature sensorPCE-IntrumentsExternal Link (German)

Modbus Introduction

For an overview about the Modbus protocol please refer to our documentation page about Modbus.

For a deeper introduction into Modbus please visit

Setting up the device



The same antenna is also used for communication via NB-IoT and LTE Cat-M1. A Nano SIM (4FF) is required for mobile connectivity.


The SIM Cad Card must not be inserted or removed only when while the device is not powered.

Properties of compatible SMA Antennas: 



The device was only tested with the listed antenna. Lobar Lobaro does not take liability for the use with other antennas.



Remote Configuration is also supported after initial network connection.

Networking Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
WANRadio technology used for
data uploads
connection to backendlte
  • lte: use either cellular NB-IoT or LTE-M
  • nbiot: use cellular NB-IoT
for uplinks"lorawan"
  • ltem: use cellular LTE-M
  • lorawan: use LoRaWAN with OTAA
  • lorawan-abp: use LoRaWAN
for uplinks
  • with ABP
  • lan
  • : use LAN
for uplinks
  • /Ethernet (not supported, yet)

Hostname / IP of the Lobaro Platform API

Not used for LoRaWAN uplink = (warning) DNS is not supported yet

Port number of the Lobaro Platform API

Not used for LoRaWAN uplink


NB-IoT Parameters (WAN = "lte", "nbiot", "ltem")

The NB-IoT LTE functionality is enabled if the WAN parameter is set to "lte". A , nbiot, or ltem. Using this mode requires an appropriate SIM-Card has to be inserted.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
OperatorMobile Operator Code (optional)26201
26201 (=Deutsche Telekom), for other operators, see above.
BandNB-IoT Band8"8", "20", "8,20", Empty = Auto detect (longer connecting time)
APNMobile operator APN (optional)


Vodafone Easy Connect: (l = littel L)

since v0.7.0
Empty or 4 digits (e.g. 1234)

LoRaWAN Parameters (WAN = "lorawan", "lorawan-abp")


NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
DevEUIDevEUI used to identify the DeviceDevice's own DevEUI as printed on label8 bytes = 16 hex digits, e.g. 0123456789abcdef
JoinEUIEUI used for OTAA (aka AppEUI)Individual default value for each device8 bytes = 16 hex digits, e.g. 0123456789abcdef
AppKeyAES Key used for LoRaWANIndividual default value for each device16 bytes = 32 hex digits, e.g. 0123456789abcdef001122334455667788
SFMinimal Spreading Factor used127-12, used after reset, can be decreased by ADR during operation (but not increased)


When changing the value for AppKey make sure you are using a good random source and keep the value secret. With this value it is possible to take control over the device when it reboots.

OTAA - Over the Air Activation

The preferred method to use LoRaWAN is Over The Air Activation (OTAA). When WAN="lorawan" the device uses the values to perform an OTAA Join with the LoRaWAN Network Server. Make sure the values for DevEUI, JoinEUI, and AppKey match.

ABP - Activation by personalisation

Our devices support activation by personalisation (ABP) when WAN="lorawan-abp". This mode is useful for devices that have a bad reception. You will have to synchronise session keys by hand between the device and your Network Server when using ABP.


LoRaWAN Parameters (WAN = "lorawan")


Coming soon!

LAN Parameters (WAN = "lan")

Connection via LAN/Ethernet is not supported, yet.


Coming soon!

Modbus related Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault Value
Values Description & Examples
MbCmdList of Modbus Commands with Cron and Modbus parameters (see below).
PlFmtUplink Format, see documentation for details
0 0/5 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300000003One or more entries of Modbus commands to be executed by the device. Each entry starts with a Cron expression defining when to execute the commands followed by the bus parameters used to address the Modbus slave devices. Each entry can contain multiple commands. See description below for a detailed explanation.

 See also our Introduction to Cron expressions.
