Lobaro Pressure or Lobaro Pressure and Temperature Sensor

Lobaro Platform Device Type: LOBARO-PEGELSONDE-HYBRID 

Select the correct sensor by checking the cable flag. The Pressure and Temperature sensor got a "P+T" marking.

Lobaro Pressure and Temperature SensorLobaro Pressure Sensor

KELLER Series 26X

Lobaro article: #3000625Lobaro article: #3000588 (discontinued)Lobaro article: #3000701

  • 0 - 15 mH2O (other lengths on request)
  • Accuracy: +/- 0.25% FSO (Fully Scale Output)
  • Drift: +/- 0.3% FSO per year 
  • For water level sensing applications
  • 0 - 15 mH2O
  • Accuracy: 0.5% +/- FSO (Fully Scale Output)
  • Drift: +/- 0.3% FSO per year 
  • For water level sensing applications
  • Typ: "PR-26X / 16mH2O /03-00001-02"
  • 0 - 16 mH2O
  • Accuracy: +/- 0.25% FSO (Fully Scale Output)
  • White=GND Black =+Vcc
  • Blue=RS485+ Yellow=RS485-
  • Water level sensing application & tank level sensing
  • More Info on Keller Website
Red = VCC, Green = GND, RS485A = Yellow, RS485B = Blue


Lobaro Pressure and Temperature Sensor

To read out the pressure & temperature probe, the Hybrid Modbus Gateway must be configured as follows:

WANlorawanFor LoRaWAN OTAA usage.
PlFmt5Sets the payload to a short format.
MbCmd0 0/15 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300160002,010300260002,fa0400050001
  • 010300160002 - Read register 22-23 (pressure)
  • 010300260002 - Read register 38-39 (temperature)
  • FA0400050001 - Read internal register 5 (vBat)

The CRON Expressions can be adjusted to set time of sensor reading.

PowerOnDelay3000Battery variant only. Sets time (in ms) between activating sensor power and reading value (time for sensor to be ready).

Command (since FW v0.10.2)

Starting from v0.10.2 we support a command for LoRaWAN only!

Cmd0 * * * * *:pressure(port=20)Special command to upload in same format but calculating a more stable pressure value

Modbus Register Mapping

The probe is a Modbus slave with the following registers:

Modbus Command: <Slave Address (1)><Function (1)><Address (2)><Length (2)>

  • Length = Register count -> 1 Register = 2 Bytes
  • Function

    • 0x03 = Read Holding Register
    • 0x04 = Read Input Register
    • 0x06 = Write Holding Register

AddressFunctionBytesData ScopeDescription
0x00000x03, 0x0621-255Slave Address
0x00010x03, 0x062
  • 0-1200
  • 1-2400
  • 2-4800
  • 3-9600
  • 4-19200
  • 5-38400
  • 6-57600
  • 7-115200
Baud rate
0x00020x03, 0x062
  • 0 -No 
  • 1- Odd 
  • 2 - Even 
  • No check
  • Odd check
  • Even check
  • 0- kpa
  • 1- Mpa
  • 2- ma
  • 3- %
  • 4- Inh2o
  • 5- FtH2o
  • 6- mmH2o
  • 7- mmHg
  • 8- psi
  • 9- bar
  • 10- mBar
  • 11- g/cm²
  • 12- kg/cm²
  • 13- Pa
  • 14- Torr
  • 15- Atm
  • 16- Null
  • 17- M
  • 18- cm
  • 19- mm
  • 20-InHg
  • 21- mHg
  • 22- MH20
  • 23- °C

Pressure unit 


  • 0 -####
  • 1- ###.#
  • 2 - ##.##
  • 3 - #.###
  • 4 - #.####

Decimal point stands for 0-4 digits
decimal points

0x00050x0320-30Filtering Coefficient
0x0016-00170x0344 byte float

Measurement Pressure output value

0x0018-00190x03, 0x0644 byte floatMaster variable of Pressure offset


0x0344 byte floatRange minimum of Pressure Transmitter
0x001C-001D0x0344 byte floatRange maximum of Pressure Transmitter
0x001E-001F0x0344 byte floatRange minimum of Pressure Sensor
0x0020-00210x0344 byte floatRange maximum of Pressure Sensor
0x0026-00270x0344 byte floatMeasurement Temperature output value
0x00A6-00A70x0644 byte floatZero Clearing value of Pressure Transmitter
  • 0 - save to user area
Save data to user area
  • 0 - factory reset
Restore to factory status (user settings and calibration data)

Data Uplink (Port 20)

Bytes | 0 .    | 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . | 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . | 9 . 10 . |
Field | Header | Pressure        | Temperature     | Voltage  |

All values are encoded big-endian

Headeruint80x00 on success, 0x80 if an error occurred
Pressurefloat32Pressure in mH2O, ffffffff on error.

Temperature in °C, ffffffff on error.

Voltageuint16Voltage in mV, ffff on error



# Example of a successful measurement
  '00'       -> Successful readout
  '3d94ce45' -> 0.073 mH2O
  '41b7a512' -> 22.96 °C
  '0e2a'     -> 3626 mV / 3.626 V

# Example
  '80'       -> An error occurred.
  'ffffffff' -> Pressure could not be read.
  'ffffffff' -> Temperature could not be read.
  'ffff'     -> Voltage could not be read.

Reference Parser

see below

Lobaro Pressure Sensor

Reading from the Lobaro Pressure Sensor using the Hybrid Gateway can be done by setting the following parameters in the configuration:

WANlorawanFor LoRaWAN OTAA usage.
PlFmt5Sets the payload to a short format.
MbCmd0 0/15 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300040001,fa0400040001,fa0400050001
  • 010300040001 - Read register 4 (pressure)
  • fa0400040001 - Read internal register 4 (temperature in box)
  • fa0400050001 - Read internal register 5 (vBat)

The CRON Expressions can be adjusted to set time of sensor reading.

PowerOnDelay3000Battery variant only. Sets time (in ms) between activating sensor power and reading value (time for sensor to be ready).

Modbus Register Mapping

The probe is a Modbus slave with the following registers:

Modbus Command: <Slave Address (1)><Function (1)><Address (2)><Length (2)>

  • Length = Register count -> 1 Register = 2 Bytes
  • Function

    • 0x03 = Read Holding Register
    • 0x06 = Write Holding Register
AddressFunctionBytesData ScopeDescription
0x00000x03, 0x0621-255Slave Address
0x00010x03, 0x062
  • 0-1200
  • 1-2400
  • 2-4800
  • 3-9600
  • 4-19200
  • 5-38400
  • 6-57600
  • 7-115200
Baud rate
  • 0 -####
  • 1- ###.#
  • 2 - ##.##
  • 3 - #.###

Decimal point stands for 0-3 digits
decimal points

  • 0- Mpa/
  • 1- Kpa
  • 2- Pa
  • 3- Bar
  • 4- Mbar
  • 5- kg/cm2
  • 6- psi
  • 7- mh2o
  • 8- mmh2o

Pressure unit

0x00040x032-32768-32767Measurement output value
0x00050x032-32768-32767Zero point of transmitter range
0x00060x032-32768-32767Full point of transmitter range
0x000c0x03, 0x062-32768-32767Zero point offset value, generally factory sets as 0
  • 0 - save to user area

  • 1 - factory reset

Data Uplink LoRaWAN (Port 20)

Bytes | 0 .    | 1 . 2 .  | 3 . 4 .     | 5 . 6 . |
Field | Header | Pressure | Temperature | Voltage |

All values are encoded big-endian

Headeruint80x00 on success, 0x80 if an error occurred

Pressure in mmH2O

Temperatureint16BE Temperature in °C inside Bridge
Voltageuint16BE Voltage in mV, ffff on error


# Example of a successful measurement
  '00'           -> Successful readout
  '0211' -> 529  -> 0.529 mH2O
  '001a' -> 26   -> 26°C (inside Box)
  '0e2a' -> 3626 -> 3626 mV / 3.626 V

Keller PR26X


Connected pressure sensor probe from Keller Druckmesstechnik PR26X series.

WANlorawanFor LoRaWAN OTAA usage.
PlFmt5Sets the payload to a short format.
MbCmd0 0 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300020002,010300080002,FA0400050001Reads four Registers: 2 + 3 (Float, Pressure in Bar) and 8 + 9 (Float, Probe Temperature) + Device battery voltage
PowerOnDelay1500Battery variant only. Sets time (in ms) between activating sensor power and reading value (time for sensor to be ready).

Example Modbus response

Hex to float converter: https://gregstoll.com/~gregstoll/floattohex/

Pressure (0x3f75f07b):

Temperature (0x41b5c079):

Data Uplink (Port 20)

Bytes | 0 .    | 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . | 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . | 9 . 10 . |
Field | Header | Pressure        | Temperature     | Voltage  |

All values are encoded big-endian

Headeruint80x00 on success, 0x80 if an error occurred
Pressurefloat32Pressure in Bar, ffffffff on error.

Temperature in °C, ffffffff on error.

Voltageuint16Voltage in mV, ffff on error

Keller PR46X


Connected pressure sensor probe from Keller Druckmesstechnik PR46X series.

WANlorawanFor LoRaWAN OTAA usage.
PlFmt5Sets the payload to a short format.
MbCmd0 0 * * * *:R,9600,8N1:010300020002,010300060002,FA0400050001Reads four Registers: 2 + 3 (Float, Pressure in Bar) and 6 + 7 (Float, Probe Temperature) + Device battery voltage
PowerOnDelay1500Battery variant only. Sets time (in ms) between activating sensor power and reading value (time for sensor to be ready).

Data Uplink (Port 20)

Bytes | 0 .    | 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . | 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . | 9 . 10 . |
Field | Header | Pressure        | Temperature     | Voltage  |

All values are encoded big-endian

Headeruint80x00 on success, 0x80 if an error occurred
Pressurefloat32Pressure in Bar, ffffffff on error.

Temperature in °C, ffffffff on error.

Voltageuint16Voltage in mV, ffff on error

LoRaWAN JavaScript Reference Parser (All probe variants)


Pressure Probe Parser
 * Parser for Lobaro Pressure Probe via LoRaWAN (hybrid gateway).
 * Usable for Pressure Probe as or with Presure+Temperature Probe.
 * Works with TTN, ChirpStack, or the Lobaro Platform.
function signed(val, bits) {
    // max positive value possible for signed int with bits:
    var mx = Math.pow(2, bits-1);
    if (val < mx) {
        // is positive value, just return
        return val;
    } else {
        // is negative value, convert to neg:
        return val - (2 * mx);

// Note that MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991
function toNumber_BE(bytes, len, signed) {
    var res = 0;
    var isNeg = false;
    if (len == 0) {
        len = bytes.length;
    if (signed) {
        isNeg = (bytes[0] & 0x80) != 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < len ; i++) {
        if (i == 0 && isNeg) {
            // Treat most-significant bit as -2^i instead of 2^i
            res += bytes[i] & 0x7F;
            res -= 0x80;
        } else {
            res *= 256;
            res += bytes[i];
    return res;
function int16_BE(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    return signed(bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1] << 0, 2*8);
function int32_BE(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    return toNumber_BE(bytes, 4, true);
function uint16_BE(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    return bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1] << 0;
function uint32_BE(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    return bytes[0] << 24 | bytes[1] << 16 | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3] << 0;
// float32([62, 132, 168, 155]) = 0.305068
function float32(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    bytes = int32_BE(bytes, 0)
    var sign = (bytes >> 31) == 0 ? 1 : -1; // Comparison with 0x80000000 fails on 32 bit systems!
    var exponent = ((bytes >> 23) & 0xFF) - 127;
    var significand = (bytes & ~(-1 << 23));
    if (exponent == 128) {
        // Some systems might have issues with NaN and POSITIVE_INFINITY, e.g. JSON parsing in GoLang
        // return sign * ((significand) ? Number.NaN : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
		return null;
    if (exponent == -127) {
        if (significand == 0) return sign * 0.0;
        exponent = -126;
        significand /= (1 << 22);
    } else {
      significand = (significand | (1 << 23)) / (1 << 23);
    return sign * significand * Math.pow(2, exponent);
function float32_BE(bytes, idx) { return float32(bytes, idx); }
 * TTN decoder function.
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
    var vals = {};
    if( port == 20 ){
        if (bytes.length==5) {
            // Pressure Probe without temperature sensor and Bridges internal Temperature
            vals["error"] = !!(bytes[0]&0x80);
            vals["pressure"] = int16_BE(bytes, 1)/1000;
            vals["temperature"] = int16_BE(bytes, 3);
        }  else if (bytes.length==7) {
            vals["error"] = !!(bytes[0]&0x80);
            vals["pressure"] = int16_BE(bytes, 1)/1000;
            vals["temperature"] = int16_BE(bytes, 3);
            vals["voltage"] = uint16_BE(bytes, 5) / 1000;
        } else if (bytes.length==9) {
            vals["error"] = !!(bytes[0]&0x80);
            // pressure in mH2O
            vals["pressure"] = float32_BE(bytes, 1);
            // temperature in Degree Celsius
            vals["temperature"] = float32_BE(bytes, 5);
        } else if (bytes.length==11) {
            vals["error"] = !!(bytes[0]&0x80);
            // pressure in mH2O or Bar, depending on probe type
            vals["pressure"] = float32_BE(bytes, 1);
            // temperature in Degree Celsius
            vals["temperature"] = float32_BE(bytes, 5);
            vals["voltage"] = uint16_BE(bytes, 9) / 1000;
    if (port === 64 && bytes.length == 13) { // status packet
        vals["Firmware Identifier"] =  String.fromCharCode(bytes[0]) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[1]) + String.fromCharCode(bytes[2]);
        vals["FirmwareVersion"] = bytes[3] + '.' + bytes[4] + '.' + bytes[5];
        vals["status"] = bytes[6];
        vals["reboot reason"] = bytes[7];
        vals["final words"] = bytes[8];
        vals["voltage"] = uint16_BE(bytes,9)/1000.0
        vals["temperature"] =  int16_BE(bytes,11)/10.0;
    return vals;
function NB_ParseModbusQuery(input){
  vals = {};
  for( var i = 0; i< input.d.batch.length; i++ ){
    if (input.d.batch[i].cmd == "AQMAFgAC"){
      vals["pressure"] = float32_BE(bytes(atob(input.d.batch[i].rsp)),3);
    if (input.d.batch[i].cmd == "AQMAJgAC"){
      vals["temperature"] = float32_BE(bytes(atob(input.d.batch[i].rsp)),3);
    // else: keller
    if (input.d.batch[i].cmd == "AQMAAgAC"){
      // convert to mH2O
      vals["pressure"] = float32_BE(bytes(atob(input.d.batch[i].rsp)),3)*10.197442889221;
    if (input.d.batch[i].cmd == "AQMACAAC"){
      vals["temperature"] = float32_BE(bytes(atob(input.d.batch[i].rsp)),3);
      // vbat
   if (input.d.batch[i].cmd == "+gQABQAB"){
      vals["vBat"] = int16_BE(bytes(atob(input.d.batch[i].rsp)),3)/1000.0;
    // internal temperature
     if (input.d.batch[i].cmd == "+gQABAAB"){
      vals["temperatureInt"] = int16_BE(bytes(atob(input.d.batch[i].rsp)),3);
  return vals;
 * TTN V3 Wrapper
function decodeUplink(input) {
   return {
    data: {
      values: Decoder(input.bytes, input.fPort)
    warnings: [],
    errors: []
function NB_ParseDeviceQuery(input) {
  for (var key in input.d) {
      var v = input.d[key];
      switch (key) {
          case "temperature":
              v = v / 10.0;
              Device.setProperty("device.temperature", v);
          case "vbat":
              v = v / 1000.0;
              Device.setProperty("device.voltage", v);
      Device.setProperty("device." + key, v);
  return null;
function NB_ParseConfigQuery(input) {
  for (var key in input.d) {
    Device.setConfig(key, input.d[key]);
    return null;
function NB_ParseStatusQuery(input) {
    return null;
 * ChirpStack decoder function.
function Decode(fPort, bytes) {
    // wrap TTN Decoder:
    return Decoder(bytes, fPort);
 * Lobaro Platform decoder function.
function Parse(input) {
    if (input.i && input.d) {
      // NB-IoT
      var decoded = {};
      decoded = input.d;
      decoded.address = input.i;
      decoded.fCnt = input.n;
      var query = input.q || "data";
      switch (query) {
        case "config":
          return NB_ParseConfigQuery(input);
        case "device":
          return NB_ParseDeviceQuery(input);     
        case "modbus":
          return NB_ParseModbusQuery(input);
        case "status":
          return NB_ParseStatusQuery(input);
      return decoded;
    var data = bytes(atob(input.data));
    var port = input.fPort;
    return Decoder(data, port);

  • No labels