There are different downlink Types to be queued:
Downlink Types
Type | Data (example) | Data |
config | { "d": { "mFilter": "LOB", "listenCron": "0 0/20 * * * *", "cmodeDurSec": "600" }, "q": "config" } The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases. | The config values to be updated. |
fw | { "d": { "app": "app-firmware-1.x.x-mcuboot-slot1.hex", "boot": "app-boot-nrf9160-sec-TZ2-1.x.x-mcuboot-slot1.hex" }, "q": "fw" } The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases. | The application + secure boot firmware files to be downloaded by the device.
fw | { "d": { "app": "app-firmware-1.x.x-mcuboot-slot1.hex" }, "q": "fw" } The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases. | The application firmware file to be downloaded by the device.
If in doubt use the command above that updates both firmware images. |
lorawan | { "data": "scmodeDurSec=15", "type": "ascii", "fPort": 128 } | to insert a lorawan downlink over the platform a json object with the fiels type, data and fPort needs to be added. at the moment only type "ascii" is supported. data needs to contain the contet that is send to the device over the network server. Details about data and the right fPort can be found under: LoraWan Downlinks ATTENTION: the downlinks will only be send if you have a default LoraWan Server defined under Integrations or the device is assigned to a loranwan server integration! |
reboot | { "q": "reboot" } The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases. | |
comment | { "d": "ASCII string to print to log", "q": "comment" } The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases. | ASCII String that will be printed to device's Log. |
raw | { format: "ASCII", data: "ascii-downlink-payload" } | Raw downlink data, currently only supported for Tektelek devices. |
Raw Downlinks
Scheduling TCP/IP downlinks for Tekelek devices.
You can schedule a downlink with the following content:
Type: raw
{ format: "ASCII", data: "ascii-downlink-payload" }
Currently only the format "ASCII" is supported.