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Listen for Downlinks: If set the platform will listen to downlinks on topic: lobaro/lobarodownlinks/downlink#

Qos Bytes: Default 0. Can be set to 0, 1 and 2 to set the MQTT QosBytes on publish.


You can find the data JSON in the Device Data Tab of the device when expanding the row below "Data (Json)"

Downlinks on MQTT:

If Listen for Downlinks is set at an integration the platform will register a listener in the topic lobaro/downlinks/#

To send a downlink to a device publish a message to  lobaro/downlinks/id/XXX/TYPE where XXX is the Device Id or  lobaro/downlinks/addr/YYY/TYPE where YYY is the Address of the device the downlink is meant for. Type shall be one of the types from the lobaro downlink types: Downlinks The Body of the message needs to be filled according the specifications found in the Downlinks Documentation.  (Lorawan Downlinks need a default LoraWan Server for your org defined under Integrations → LoRaWan!)