Versions Compared


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titleSuccessor available

This device is no longer available for sale and has been replaced by Wireless M-Bus Gateway V3 since 12/2021.


The Lobaro Wireless M-Bus Gateway V2 is a simple to use, cost and energy efficient device that receives, caches and forwards metering consumption data from up to 500 Wireless M-Bus enabled devices, like water meters, electricity meters, heat meters onto the Internet.



For details about configuration for mobile network operation please refer to our article about Mobile Network ConnectionLTE Signal Strength Metrics


The configuration can be read or changed locally via USB and the Lobaro Maintenance Tool or remotely using the Lobaro IoT Platform (NB-IoT only).

Configurations of up to 5000 bytes are supported, which enables a Device-Whitelist of up to 500 Meter-IDs.

General Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
WANRadio technology used for data uploadslte"lte": use cellular NB-IoT for uplinks
"lorawan": use LoRaWAN for uplinks
 (working like Wireless M-Bus Bridge V2)

NB-IoT Parameters (WAN = "lte")

The NB-IoT functionality is enabled if the WAN parameter is set to "lte". A SIM-Card has to inserted.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
HostHostname / IP of the Lobaro Platform API94.130.20.3794.130.20.37 = (warning) DNS is not supported yet
PortPort number of the Lobaro Platform API5683

UdpHostSeparate IP to upload plain telegrams via UDP
optional, empty = upload to Lobaro IoT Platform
UdpPortSeparate Port to upload plain telegrams via UDP0only used when UdpHost is set
OperatorMobile Operator Code2620126201 (=Deutsche Telekom), for other operators, see above.
BandNB-IoT Band8"8", "20", "8,20", Empty = Auto detect (longer connecting time)
APNMobile operator


Vodafone Easy Connect: (l = littel L)

PINSIM PIN (since v0.7.0)
Empty or 4 digits (e.g. 1234)
UseNbiotTry to connect with NB-IoTtrue

UseLtemTry to fallback to LTE-M when supported by the Modemfalse(warning) not supported with all Hardware revisions

LoRaWAN (WAN = "lorawan")

(warning) The LoRaWAN functionality is enabled if the WAN parameter is set to "lorawan". In this mode the device behaves like the LoRaWAN only "Wireless M-Bus Bridge V2", consider also reading its manual when using the LoRaWAN functionality of the Wireless M-Bus Gateway V2 (NB-IoT). No SIM-Card is needed.


For a detailed introduction into how this values need to be configured, please refer to the chapter LoRaWAN configuration in our LoRaWAN background article. 

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValues
OTAAActivation: OTAA or ABPtruetrue= use OTAA, false= use ABP
DevEUIDevEUI used to identify the Device
e.g. 0123456789abcdef
JoinEUIUsed for OTAA (called AppEUI in v1.0)
e.g. 0123456789abcdef
AppKeyKey used for OTAA (LoRaWAN v1.0.x and v1.1)

NwkKeyKey used for OTAA (LoRaWAN v1.1 only)

TimeSyncDays after which to sync time over LoRaWAN 3

days, 0=don't sync time
(does not effect LTE, which always executes daily time syncs)

RndDelayRandom delay before sending (avoids collisions)10max seconds
  • 0 = Encoding in ports
  • 1 = prefix bytes and time
  • 2 = prefix bytes, time, and rssi
0For details see manual of wMBUS LoRaWAN bridge
LostRebootDays without downlink before reboot5days, 0=never reboot

Metering reception Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueDefault Values & Examples

Cron expression defining when to receive wMBUS

Introduction to Cron expressions.

0 0 12 * * *

0 0 12 * * * = (once per day)

cmodeDurSecDuration (Seconds) of wireless M-Bus C1/T1-mode receive3000= Do not collect C1/T1 mode
smodeDurSecDuration (Seconds) of wireless M-Bus S1-mode receive00= Do not collect S1 mode
xmodeDurSec Duration (Seconds) of Sensus RF receive0 0= Do not collect Sensus RF telegrams
mFilterwMBus manufacturer filter sep. by , e.g. dme,itw (Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces)

blank=no filter,  (warning) not used for xmode (Sensus RF)
typFiltermeter device type filter e.g. 08,07 for Heat Cost and Water (Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces)

blank=no filter, (warning) not used for xmode (Sensus RF)

titleType Codes
00: "Other",
01: "Oil",
02: "Electricity",
03: "Gas",
04: "Heat",
05: "Steam",
06: "Warm Water", // 30 - 90°C
07: "Water",
08: "Heat Cost",
09: "Compressed Air",
0A: "Cooling load meter (outlet)",
0B: "Cooling load meter (inlet)",
0C: "Heat (inlet)",
0D: "Heat / Cooling load meter",
0E: "Bus / System component",
0F: "Unknown",
10: "consumption meter",
11: "consumption meter",
12: "consumption meter",
13: "consumption meter",
14: "Calorific value",
15: "Hot Water", // >= 90°C
16: "Cold Water",
17: "Dual Water meter", // Hot and Cold
18: "Pressure",
19: "A/D Converter",
1A: "Smoke detector",
// 1B - DD: "Reserved"
1B: "Room", // e.g. temp, humidity
1C: "Gas detector",
1D: "Sensor",
1E: "Sensor",
1F: "Sensor",
20: "Breaker (electricity)",
21: "Valve (gas or water)",
22: "Switching device",
23: "Switching device",
24: "Switching device",
25: "Customer unit (display device)",
26: "Customer units",
27: "Customer units",
29: "Garbage",
2A: "Carbon dioxide",
30: "system device",
31: "Communication controller",
32: "Unidirectional repeater",
33: "Bidirectional repeater",
34: "system device",
35: "system device",
36: "Radio converter (system side)",
37: "Radio converter (meter side)",
38 - 0x3F // Reserved for system devices
40 - 0xFE: Reserved
FF: "Invalid", // Wild card searching [EN 13757-3:2013], 11.3 and 11.5.3


meter id filter e.g. 

  • cmode, smode (wmbus): 06198833 (exactly 8 digits with leading 0)
  • xmode (Sensus RF): 10121335300 (11 digits, no "-"!)

(Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces: 88009035,13456035,56268931)

Up to 500 wMBus-IDs or 400 Sensus-RF-IDs are supported.

blank=no filter

Collect only telegrams with specific values in the ci-Field, must we written as 2 hex digits (with leading zeros).

(Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces, e.g.: "8a,07,71")

blank=no filter, (warning) not used for xmode (Sensus RF). Since v0.9.0

Set hard limit on how many telegrams will be collected and uploaded. The bridge will stop collection, once this number has been collected, regardless of the passed time. Can be used save battery / data volume, should the device be in an area with a large number of meters.

Set to 0 for no limit.

Since v0.8.5

 See also our Introduction to Cron expressions.


Uploading one wMbus telegram consumes approximately 400 bytes data including all metadata.

Telegram upload intervalMonthly NB-IoT data usage
1 each Day~12 kB
8 each Day (every 3h)~100 kB
400 each Week~700 kB
250 each Day~3 MB

All calculations are estimations and might varry depending on the configuration


Code Block
    "d": {
      "rssi": <int: RSSI>,
      "vbat": <int: Supply voltage in mV>,
      "monitor": <string: human readable diagnostic information>,
      "telegram": <bytes: wmbus telegram>,
      "timestamp": <int: unix timestamp, time of reception>,
      "temperature": <int: device temperature in 1/10°C>
    "i": <string: device's IMEI>,
    "n": <int: frame number>

rssiReceived signal strength indication indicating the quality of the received signal.
vbatSupply voltage to the Gateway, measured in millivolts (mV).
monitorHuman readable diagnostic string. The format of this information subject to change and should not be relied on.
telegramBytes of the received wMBus telegram as a byte string.
timestampTime of reception of the telegram in the gateway, given as a Unix Timestamp.
temperatureTemperature inside the Gateway, measured in tenth of Degree Centigrade (d°C).
iIMEI of the Gateway's Modem, uniquely identifying the Device.
nFrame number. Starts at 1 for the first UDP-upload after boot and is increased for every upload.


The following shows an example message if you display it as JSON. In the CBOR object, the telegram is stored as a byte string. Because JSON does not support binary data, in this example it is encoded using base64.


On boot, the device shortly flashes the LED green.

on resetshort green flash every ~15s

Configuration is invalid

on resetshort green flash every ~25sSIM-Card cannot be read
during operationsblue on/off once per secondTrying to connect to mobile provider
during operationsblue on/off once per second, then greenTrying to connect to mobile provider, success
during operationsblue on/off once per second, then redTrying to connect to mobile provider, failing

Housing Specification & Accessories
