Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You can prevent splitting of messages completly, if you make sure your Responses will never be longer than 42 Bytes (or longer if you reduce the Spreading Factor). You can also change to using the Compact Payload Format to avoid Splitting.





section contains an illustration of a split up Response


This chapter illustrates with some examples, how working with the Modbus Bridge looks like. The bytes that are sent via LoRaWAN are presented here as hex strings, while on the air they are sent as raw bytes. Modbus Commands and Responses are broken down to their parts in the explanations, but explaining the format used by Modbus in detail is beyond the scope of this manual. You can find a short explanation on Modbus on Wikipedia:

Uplinks in Verbose Payload Format (PlFmt=1)

The following shows some examples of configuration for the automated reading and what the generated Uplinks for that could look like.

Example A1: Read Holding Registers 0, 1, and 2 of device with address 1

Verbose Payload Format (Port 3, PlFmt=1)

MbCmd = '010300000003'

# Example resulting Uplink after successful readout
Up, Port 3: '005d1698fd0c0103061234567890ab000003'
 '005d1698fd' -> timestamp = 1561762045 -> 2019-06-28T22:47:25 UTC
 '0c'       -> first Response is 12 bytes long
 '0103061234567890ab000003' 12 bytes modbus response:
   '01' -> slave device with address 1
   '03' -> function 3 = read Holding Register, success
   '06' -> 6 bytes of data in Response following
   '1234567890ab' -> 6 bytes of data
   '0000' -> start reading at register 0
   '03' -> read 3 consecutive registers

# Example resulting Uplink after failing readout
Up, Port 3: '005d1698fd0601830b000003'
 '005d1698fd' -> timestamp = 1561762045 -> 2019-06-28T22:47:25 UTC
 '06'       -> first Response is 6 bytes long
 '01830b000003' 3 bytes modbus response:
   '01' -> slave device with address 1
   '83' -> function 3 with error indicator 80 = read Holding Register, failed
   '0b' -> error code 11: "Gateway Target Device Failed to Respond"
   '0000' -> start reading at register 0
   '03' -> read 3 consecutive registers

Example A2: Read coils 1000-1019 of device 32

Verbose Payload Format (Port 3, PlFmt=1)

MbCmd = '200103e80014'

# Example resulting Uplink
Up, Port 3: '005d1698fd 09 200103f1041a03e814'
 '005d1698fd' -> timestamp = 1561762045 -> 2019-06-28T22:47:25 UTC
 '09' -> first Response is 9 bytes long
 '200103f1041a03e814' 9 bytes of response:
  '20' -> slave device with address 32
  '01' -> read coils, success
  '03' -> 3 bytes of data
  'f1041a' -> 20 bits of data packed into 3 bytes
  '03e8' -> start reading at coil 1000
  '14' -> read 20 consecutive coils

Example A3: Read registers from two devices

Verbose Payload Format (Port 3, PlFmt=1)

MbCmd = '0a0300010005,3001ea600020'

# Example resulting Uplink
Up, Port 3: '005d1698fd100a030a111122223333444455550001050a30010412345678ea6020'
 '005d1698fd' -> timestamp = 1561762045 -> 2019-06-28T22:47:25 UTC
 '10' -> first Response is 16 bytes long
 '0a030a11112222333344445555000105' 16 bytes of Response
  '0a' -> slave device with address 10
  '03' -> read Holding Registers, success
  '0a' -> 10 bytes of data following
  '11112222333344445555' 10 bytes of data
  '0001' -> start reading at register 1
  '05' -> read 5 registers
 '0a' -> second Response is 10 bytes long
 '30010412345678ea6020' 10 bytes of Response
  '30' -> slave device with address 48
  '01' -> read Coils, success
  '04' -> 4 bytes of data following
  '12345678' -> 32 bits of data packed in 4 bytes
  'ea60' -> start at coil 60000
  '20' -> read 32 coils

Example A4: Split uplink message

Verbose Payload Format (Port 3, PlFmt=1)

MbCmd = '010300010020'
# Command reads 32 consecutive registers resulting in 64 bytes payload

# Example resulting Uplinks for a Spreading Factor of 12 with 51 bytes of payload per message
Up 1, Port 3: '005d1698fd46010340000100020003000400050006000700080009000a000b000c000d000e000f001000110012001300140015'
  '005d1698fd' -> timestamp = 1561762045 -> 2019-06-28T22:47:25 UTC
  '46' -> first Response is 70 bytes long since the remainder of the message does not contain 70 bytes,
  you know there must be an additional part coming
Up 2, Port 5: '0016001700180019001a001b001c001d001e001f00200120'
  This contains the rest of the message. Appended to the previous message, it adds up to the correct number of bytes.

Uplinks triggered by Downlink Commands

Verbose Payload Format (Port 4, Downlink Response)

Down, Port 4: '06180401000001'
 '06' -> first Command is 6 bytes long
 '180401000001' 6 bytes of Modbus Command
  '18' -> slave device with address 24
  '04' -> function 4, read Input Register
  '0100' -> start at register 256 '0001' -> read 1 register

# Example resulting Uplink
Up, Port4: '004b3dd67508180402abcd010001'
 '004b3dd675' -> timestamp = 1262343797 -> 2010-01-01T11:03:17 UTC
 '08' -> first Response is 8 bytes long
 '180404abcd010001' 8 bytes of Response
  '18' -> slave device with address 24
  '04' -> read Input Register, success
  '02' -> 2 bytes of data following
  'abcd' -> 2 bytes of data
  '0100' -> start at register 256
  '01' -> read 1 register

Example B2: Writing holding registers on multiple devices

Verbose Payload Format (Port 4, Downlink Response)

Down, Port 4: '06a106aabb12340fa210a0010004081122334455667788'
 '06' -> first Command is 6 bytes long
 'a106aabb1234' 6 bytes of Modbus Command
  'a1' -> slave device with address 161
  '06' -> function 6, write single Holding Register
  'aabb' -> address of Register to write = 43707
  '1234' -> two bytes of data
 '0f' -> second Command is 15 bytes long
 'a210a0010004081122334455667788' 15 byte of Modbus Command
  'a2' -> slave device with address 162
  '10' -> function 16, write multiple Holding Registers
  'a001' -> start at register 40961
  '0004' -> 4 registers to write
  '08' -> 8 bytes of data follow
  '1122334455667788' -> 8 bytes of data

# Example resulting Uplink Up, Port 4: '004b3dd67506a1860200000006a210a0010004'
 '004b3dd675' -> timestamp = 1262343797 -> 2010-01-01T11:03:17 UTC
 '06' -> first Response is 3 bytes long
 'a18602000000' 3 bytes of Modbus Response
  'a1' -> slave device address 161 '86' -> write single Holding Regsiter, failed
  '02' -> error code 2: "Illegal Data Address"
  '0000' -> start register not used (undefined)
  '00' -> count not used (undefined)
 '06' - second Response is 6 bytes long
 'a210a0010004' 6 bytes of Modbus Response
  'a2' -> slave device address 162
  '10' -> write multiple Holding Registers, success
  'a001' -> start at register 40961
  '0004' -> 4 registers to write

Uplinks in Compact Payload Format

Example C1: Single Modbus Command, PlFmt 4

# Attached device: B+G E-Tech power Meter
# Config:
MbCmd = 010300000003  -> Read registers 0 to 3 from Slave 1
PlFmt = 4             -> Compact Format with Timestamp
PlMax = 51            -> Max 51 Bytes per Uplink
PlId  = 0             -> Payload Id = 0
# Info from Log
APP| Number of commands to be executed on cron: 1
APP|   01 03 00 00 00 03
APP| Compact format definition, id=0, max size=51
APP|   Port 20:
APP|     000-000=error&fmt-id
APP|     001-005=timestamp
APP|     006-011=resp(010300000003)
# Successful readout, leading to Uplink on Port 20: '00005fd8bf08000000010033'
  '00' -> '0' no error, '00' -> PlId = 0
  '005fd8bf08' -> timestamp = 1608040200 -> 2020-12-15T13:50:00 UTC
  '000000010033' -> 6 Bytes data from 3 Registers -> 3.07 kWh
# Failed readout, leading to Uplink on Port 20: '80005fd8c7caffffffffffff'
  '80' -> '1' error in any of the responses, '00' -> PlId = 0
  '005fd8c7ca' -> timestamp = 1608042442 -> 2020-12-15T14:27:22 UTC
  'ffffffffffff' -> 6 Bytes set to 0xff, indicating error

Example C2: Multiple Commands, PlFmt 5

# Attached devices: Multiple B+G E-Tech power Meters
# Config:
MbCmd = 010300000003,020300000003 -> Read registers 0 to 3 from Slave 1
PlFmt = 5                         -> Compact Format with Timestamp
PlMax = 51                        -> Max 51 Bytes per Uplink
PlId  = 13                        -> Payload Id = 13
# Info from Log
APP| Number of commands to be executed on cron: 2
APP|   01 03 00 00 00 03
APP|   02 03 00 00 00 03
APP| Compact format definition, id=29, max size=51
APP|   Port 20:
APP|     000-000=error&fmt-id
APP|     001-006=resp(010300000003)
APP|     007-012=resp(020300000003)
# Successful readout of both, leading to Uplink on Port 20: '1d0000000100330000001a0040'
  '1d' -> '0' no error, '1d' -> PlId = 13
  '000000010033' -> 6 Bytes data from 3 Registers, Meter 1 ->  3.07 kWh
  '0000001a0040' -> 6 Bytes data from 3 Registers, Meter 2 -> 67.20 kWh
# Partly successful readout, leading to Uplink on Port 20: '9d000000010033ffffffffffff'
  '9d' -> '1' error (in any of the values in message), '1d' -> PlId = 13
  '000000010033' -> 6 Bytes data from 3 Registers, Meter 1 -> 3.07 kWh
  'ffffffffffff' -> 6 Bytes set to 0xff to indicate error, Meter 2
# Failed readout, leading to Uplink on Port 20: '9dffffffffffffffffffffffff'
  '9d' -> '1' error (in any of the values in message), '1d' -> PlId = 13
  'ffffffffffff' -> 6 Bytes set to 0xff to indicate error, Meter 1
  'ffffffffffff' -> 6 Bytes set to 0xff to indicate error, Meter 2

Example C3: Multimple Commands, leading in multiple Upoads, PlFmt 5

# Config
MbCmd = 010300000010,010301000004,0103020a000c,010300800008
PlFmt = 5                         -> Compact Format with Timestamp
PlMax = 40                        -> Max 40 Bytes per Uplink
PlId  = 10                        -> Payload Id = 10
# Info from Log
APP| Number of commands to be executed on cron: 4
APP|   01 03 00 00 00 10
APP|   01 03 01 00 00 04
APP|   01 03 02 0A 00 0C
APP|   01 03 00 80 00 08
APP| Compact format definition, id=10, max size=40
APP|   Port 20:
APP|     000-000=error&fmt-id
APP|     001-032=resp(010300000010)
APP|   Port 21:
APP|     000-000=error&fmt-id
APP|     001-008=resp(010301000004)
APP|     009-032=resp(0103020a000c)
APP|   Port 22:
APP|     000-000=error&fmt-id
APP|     001-016=resp(010300800008)
# Resulting in 3 consecutive uploads on Port 20-22:
# Port 20: 0a0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000a000b000c000d000e000f
  '0a' -> '0' no error, '0a' -> PlId 10
  '0000000100020003000400050006000700080009000a000b000c000d000e000f' -> 32 Bytes of Data from Registers 0x0000-0x000f
# Port 21: 8affffffffffffffff111122223333444455556666777788889999aaaabbbbcccc
  '8a' -> '1' error occured, '0a' -> PlId 10
  'ffffffffffffffff' -> 8 Bytes set to 0xff indicating error reading Registers 0x0100-0x0103
  '111122223333444455556666777788889999aaaabbbbcccc' -> 24 Bytes of Data from Registers 0x020a-0x0215
# Port 22: 0a01010202030304040505060607070808
  '0a' -> '0' no error, '0a' -> PlId 10
  '01010202030304040505060607070808' -> 16 Bytes of Data from Registers 0x0080-0x0087

Remote Config (Port 128 (129-131))
