Target Measurement / Purpose

High precision measuring of Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure, using the Bosch BME680 environmental sensor.


For configuration of the LoRaWAN parameters, please refer to the chapter LoRaWAN configuration in our LoRaWAN background article.

namedescriptionexample value
MeasureCronCron expression defining when to read.0 0/15 * * * * for every 15 minutes

 See also our Introduction to Cron expressions.


Example payloads for each port:

Status Message (Port 1)

Payload: (No Example yet)


  "temp": 20.4,
  "vBat": 3.0,
  "version": "v0.0.1"

Data Message (Port 2)


timestamp05uint40Time of measurement (see timestamps in our LoRaWAN devices)
error flag51byte1: error, 0: success
humidity62uint16 BEHumidity in 1/10 % rH
temperature82int16 BETemperature in 1/10 °C
pressure102uint16 BEPressure in 10 Pa

Example Payload: 00386d440700015400f527d1


  "error": false,
  "humidity": 34,
  "pressure": 1019.3,
  "temperature": 24.5,
  "time": 946684935000


Javascript Parser

function readVersion(bytes, i) {
    if (bytes.length < 3) {
        return null;
    return "v" + bytes[i] + "." + bytes[i + 1] + "." + bytes[i + 2];

function signed(val, bits) {
    if ((val & 1 << (bits - 1)) > 0) { // value is negative (16bit 2's complement)
        var mask = Math.pow(2, bits) - 1;
        val = (~val & mask) + 1; // invert all bits & add 1 => now positive value
        val = val * -1;
    return val;

function uint40_BE(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    return bytes[0] << 32 |
        bytes[1] << 24 | bytes[2] << 16 | bytes[3] << 8 | bytes[4] << 0;

function uint16_BE(bytes, idx) {
    bytes = bytes.slice(idx || 0);
    return bytes[0] << 8 | bytes[1] << 0;

function int40_BE(bytes, idx) {
    return signed(uint40_BE(bytes, idx), 40);

function int16_BE(bytes, idx) {
    return signed(uint16_BE(bytes, idx), 16);

function ParseStatusMessage(data) {
    var decoded = {};
    decoded.version = readVersion(data, 0);
    decoded.vBat = uint16_BE(data, 5) / 1000.0;
    decoded.temp = int16_BE(data, 3) / 10.0; // byte 8-9 (originally in 10th degree C)
    decoded.msg = "Firmware Version: " + decoded.FirmwareVersion + " Battery: " + decoded.Vbat + "V Temperature: " + decoded.Temp + "°C";
    return decoded;

function ParseDataMessage(data) {
    return {
        "time": int40_BE(data, 0) * 1000,
        "error": !!data[5],
        "humidity": uint16_BE(data, 6) / 10.0,
        "temperature": int16_BE(data, 8) / 10.0,
        "pressure": uint16_BE(data, 10) / 10

// Decoder function for TTN
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
    // Decode an incoming message to an object of fields.
    var decoded;

    switch (port) {
        case 1:
            decoded = ParseStatusMessage(bytes);
        case 2:
            decoded = ParseDataMessage(bytes);
            decoded = {};

    return decoded;

// Wrapper for Lobaro Platform
function Parse(input) {
    // Decode an incoming message to an object of fields.
    var b = bytes(atob(;
    var decoded = Decoder(b, input.fPort);

    if (input.fPort == 2) {
        Device.setProperty("status.firmware", decoded.FirmwareVersion);
        Device.setProperty("status.voltage", decoded.Vbat);
        Device.setProperty("status.temperature", decoded.Temp);

    return decoded;

// Wrapper for Loraserver / ChirpStack
function Decode(fPort, bytes) {
    return Decoder(bytes, fPort);

// Wrapper for Digimondo
module.exports = function (payload, meta) {
    const port = meta.lora.fport;
    const buf = Buffer.from(payload, 'hex');

    return Decoder(buf, port);