Outdated Version v1.x
This manual is only valid for firmwares version up to V1.6.0 and hardware revisions V1.x! Firmware V1.6.0 is deprecated since 02/2020. For revision v2.x please refer to the current documentation v2.x. |
The Lobaro wireless M-Bus (wMBUS) to LoRaWAN Bridge is a cost-effective & energy efficient device that receives, caches and transparently forwards wireless M-Bus metering data from up to 500 consumption meters via any LoRaWAN network onto the Internet.
Many gas, water, electricity and heat meters can be read wirelessly today using the common short range Wireless M-Bus standard. Because such wMBUS enabled meters use the classical energy saving FSK radio modulation, the wireless range is often limited to less than 50m and therefore requires the use of additional longer-range radio technologies to forward the metering data onto the Internet. The advanced LoRa radio modulation used inside the Lobaro wMBUS to LoRaWAN Bridge is such a key technology.
LoRaWAN based LPWANs (Low Power wide area networks) allow connections to the Internet from small battery powered devices with wireless ranges of up to 5 kilometers between the transmitter and receiving gateway antenna - without the usual cellular network costs in classical M2M or smart metering solutions. Also - unlike with cellular networks - it's possible to setup own gateways if needed. This often results in much lower operational costs with the Lobaro wMBUS bridge compared to conventional remote meter reading via LTE networks. The metering data will not be decrypted by the LoRaWAN Bridge, instead an unchanged 1:1 forwarding takes place via one or more LoRaWAN packets (depending on the wMBUS telegram byte size). Thus the end-to-end encryption of sensitive wireless MBUS consumption data is preserved. Initial configuration, firmware updates & status readouts are done user-friendly via USB on the PC with the Lobaro Tool (Windows, Linux, Mac). An additional possibility of configuration in the field "over the air" by means of LoRaWAN downlinks will soon also be available via firmware update.
Please read the manual carefully before operating the device. A safe operation of the device is only possible if you follow the guides provided in this manual. Using the device differently than intended by Lobaro may cause damage to people, the environment, or the device.
These device variants are no longer available. Please see current documentation for available options. Please refer to the current documentation v2.x. |
wMBUS LoRaWAN Bridge (AA-cells, compact IP65 housing), Order number: -
wMBUS LoRaWAN Bridge (XH battery-connector, IP67 housing), Order number: -
The device must be fixed on a flat surface using the lateral mounting holes of the case, see chapter "Housing Dimensions" for a detailed description of all housing dimensions. Alternatively we offer as accessory a mounting clip for a standard 35mm DIN rail. The device can then easily snapped on a such rails. It can therefore be added to a variety of racks alongside other devices.
Under any circumstances the device must not be mounted higher than 2 meters above ground to avoid any risks in case of falling down! |
For optimal RF performance (e.g. LoRa range) any metal obstacles near the internal antenna should be avoided. In this case 'near' is defined as keep-out distance of about 3-5 centimeters around the antenna. The internal helix antenna can be identified by the winding pcb traces near the white printed encircled 'connectivity' symbol. In any case a device mounting directly on top of a metal surface is not advisable since it will degrade the possible RF range. Stone walls, wood or plastic standoffs are perfectly ok. In case of challenging installation locations (e.g. in basements) or unavoidable long distances to the next LoRaWAN gateway, Lobaro offers on request custom product variant equipped with a 'SMA' connector to support a external antenna connection.
The wMBUS over LoRaWAN Bridge default power supply consists of two series connected off-the-shelf 1.5V 'AA' sized batteries. Be sure to get the polarity right, see the '+'-Symbol on the board. In general only AA cells of the types Alkali-Manganese (1.5V, LR6) and Lithium- Iron-Sulphide (1.5V, FR6) are allowed to be inserted in the device. Lobaro recommends the use of FR6 batteries like the Energizer Ultimate Lithium over LR6 types because of the higher capacity and better discharge properties.
Other Batteries or accumulators with a nominal voltage of more than 1.5V must not inserted into the device under any circumstances. In particular, lithium based cells with a nominal voltage of 3.6V or 3.7V must not be used on the AA battery slots! |
On request we can supply custom product variants with special housings powered by even bigger batteries. For example a 3.6V C sized mono cell typically has a capacity of 9Ah with leads to a 3x increased battery life compared to the standard AA-cells. With D sized cells of typically 19Ah capacity this value can be doubled once again (6x). Also available on request are options with permanent external power supply (230V, 9-24V, 5V USB).
The battery life time of the wireless M-Bus to LoRaWAN Bridge can not be specified trustworthy without knowledge of the detailed installation scenario. At least estimations for the following custom project based parameters have to be known:
Meter count per single wMBUS bridge, e.g. 10 different meters.
Needed LoRaWAN transmission interval, e.g. daily uploads.
Average wireless M-Bus telegram size in bytes, e.g. 35 byte.
Wireless M-Bus telegram transmission interval of the meter, e.g. every 10 seconds.
Typically used LoRa Spreading Factor / LoRa link quality, e.g. SF10.
Depending on these parameters battery life times from a few months to over 15 years can be achieved. You may send us your use-case details as described above to info@lobaro.com and we will return to you a custom battery lifetime calculation, a recommendation for the best power supply scheme and the needed minimal battery capacity.
In this battery lifetime calculation scenario the target meters send a 35 byte long ('L-Field') wireless M-Bus telegram constantly every 10 seconds. This behavior is for example very similar to a 'Hydrus' ultrasonic water meter of Diehl Metering. The Diehl meter itself has a specified battery life time of 12 years. Because of the mentioned 10 second send interval it is sufficient to configure the bridge for a wireless M-Bus listen period of 20 seconds by setting the bridge configuration parameter cmodeDurSec to a value of 20 (refer to section "wMBUS bridge parameters"). This will ensure that all meters of interest sent their consumption telegrams at least onces during the configured listen period of the bridge. For a worst-case battery-lifetime calculation the weakest possible LoRaWAN connectivity has been selected. That means to reach a LoRaWAN Gateway the Lobaro hardware has to send out its Uplink data very slowly (≥ 2 seconds) and redundant by using a LoRa spreading factor of 12. Beside this the actual usable battery capacity has been set to 80% of the nominal value. The resulting worst-case minimal battery-life times are presented below.
Battery life for daily LoRaWAN uploads with SF12
Collected meters | Battery Life (years) AA cell (3Ah) | Battery Life (years) Baby cell(9Ah) |
1 | 10.7 | 32.0 |
5 | 7.0 | 21.1 |
10 | 4.9 | 14.8 |
20 | 3.1 | 9.3 |
40 | 1.8 | 5.3 |
80 | 1.0 | 2.9 |
Estimations for the opposite situation with a excellent LoRa link quality and thus the possible usage of SF7 are presented below. In real world installations the possible spreading factor may be optimized anytime by setting up additional LoRaWAN Gateways near the meters of interest.
Battery life for daily LoRaWAN uploads with SF7
Collected meters | Battery Life (years) AA cell (3Ah) | Battery Life (years) Baby cell(9Ah) |
1 | 12.1 | 36.4 |
5 | 11.8 | 35.4 |
10 | 11.4 | 34.4 |
20 | 10.6 | 31.9 |
40 | 9.4 | 28.3 |
80 | 7.7 | 23.0 |
As a simple rule of thumb using the Lobaro wireless M-Bus over LoRaWAN bridge is a good fit in applications that require daily (or less often) consumption values of 1 to 40 installed wireless M-Bus meters. For installations with a higher meter count simply more Lobaro bridges may be used. Another key factor for high battery lifetime is to select or configure your wireless M-Bus meters in a way that they send short telegrams very frequently, proven good values are periods smaller than 30 seconds and telegram sizes smaller 50 bytes. This helps to minimize the needed wMBus listening time period and avoids the need for multiple LoRaWAN packets per single telegram (data splitting). Beside this the bridge is naturally most economical when multiple meters per single bridge can be collected and forwarded via LoRWAN. Although for some applications a 1:1 setup, e.g. one bridge per meter, may deliver enough benefits to justify the invest. For hourly or even more frequent meter data uploads, as requested by some of our customers, LoRaWAN isn't the perfect match from a technology point of view. The same holds for scenarios where hundreds of meters are expected to be transfered by a single bridge, e.g. in 'sub-metering' applications with tons of installed heat cost allocators. For such more demanding cases Lobaro can offer better solutions using higher bandwidth transmission techniques like NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT) or classical 4G/LTE. Contact us if you need such a alternative solution by sending your request to info@lobaro.com - either English or German is fine.
This is the phase that is executed after the device is started of restarted. The Bridge performs a quick self test which you can easily spot by the green internal LED flashing. After that, the configuration is evaluated. If successful, the LoRaWAN Join phase is executed next.
If the Bridge is configured to use over the air activation (OTAA), the OTAA join is performed at this point. The device will repeatedly try to join its LoRaWAN network until the process is successful. It then enters the Data Collection Phase. If the Bridge is configured to use ABP instead of OTAA, this phase is left immediately and the Data Collection Phase is entered according to the cron configuration.
During the wMBUS collection phase the device receives any wireless M-Bus data with valid CRC and stores it for the following LoRaWAN upload phase but only if the received telegram passes the user defined white list filters. Similar telegrams of one identical meter may be received multiple times during this phase. In this case the newest telegram with the same id, type and length will replace the previously received one. Only the latest telegram will be uploaded via LoRaWAN. After the configured amount of time for collecting data the LoRaWAN data transfer phase is entered.
During the Data Transfer Phase the Bridge uploads all previously stored wMBUS data using LoRaWAN. Depending on original wMBUS telegram byte sitze this can require multiple LoRaWAN messages to be sent. Since LoRa requires any device to respect a strict duty cycle, it is possible, that the Bridge will need to wait before sending its messages. If this happens, the device will enter a power saving modus while waiting for the next message. It is possible that transferring all data will take several minutes. In addition to the wireless M-Bus data, the Bridge sends a status packet once a day during this phase. The status packet will always be transmitted prior to any data packets. For a detailed description of the data sent refer to chapter "Data Packet".
After transferring all data packets the Bridge enters the Sleep Phase. During this it is completely inactive to avoid wasting power. It remains sleeping until one of the cron expressions given in the configuration triggers. When that happens, it enters the Data Collection Phase again.
The initial device configuration can be done very comfortably from your PC via the serial configuration interface. Beside the needed Lobaro USB to UART adapter the Lobaro Maintenance Tool needs to be installed. This tool is freely available for various operating systems including Windows, Linux, Mac and Linux-ARM (e.g. Raspberry-PI) on and works with all Lobaro sensors. Technically this software opens a webserver on port 8585 that runs in a background console window. The actual user interface can be accessed normally using a standard web browser at address http://localhost:8585 (picture above). Normally your default browser should be opened with this URL automatically after tool startup . Even remote configuration and logobservation over the Internet is possible, e.g. having a Raspberry PI via USB connected to the Lobaro device and accessing the maintenance tool from a remote machines browser over the Internet. Additionally to the device setup the tool can also be used for firmware updates ('Firmware Tab') , watching real-time device diagnostic output ('Logs Tab') and initiating device restarts.
Please note that the device is automatically restarted each time the configuration has been changed! |
For configuration and firmware updates we provide a special serial-USB adapter that can be connected as shown in the picture below. The corresponding connector on the PCB is marked with the word 'Config'. The USB-adapter will add a virtual serial 'COM' Port to your system. Your operating system needs the CP210x USB to UART Bridge driver installed. A download link is provided next to the 'Connect' button when you start the Maintenance Tool. While the config adapter is connected, the device will be powered from the USB port with a regulated voltage of 3.3V. It is not necessary - although it would be no problem - having batteries inserted or a different supply connected while using the config adapter. All configuration parameters will be kept non-volatile regardless of the power supply.
After being successfully connected to the hardware using the Lobaro Maintenance Tool you can press 'Reload Config' in the 'Configuration' tab to read the current configuration from the device. For every parameter a default value is stored non volatile inside the hardware to which you can revert using the 'Restore default' button in case anything got miss configured. All LoRaWAN & other firmware parameters are explained in the following.
A large part of the configuration parameters are used to control the device's usage of LoRaWAN. There are two different ways to use LoRaWAN: over-the-air activation (OTAA) and activation by personalization (ABP). Some configuration parameters are only used with one of those methods, others are used for both.
Name | Type | Used | Description |
OTAA | bool | both | true: use over-the-air activation (OTAA) false: use activation by personalization (ABP) |
DevEUI | bytes[8] | OTAA | the 8 byte long DevEUI is used with OTAA to identify the device on join. The default is predefined in the hardware and guarantees an ID that is unique world wide. Should not be changed unless required by the network provider. Hex format without 0x prefix. |
AppEUI | bytes[8] | OTAA | ID defining the application used in the LoRaWAN network. Hex format without 0x prefix. |
AppKey | bytes[16] | OTAA | Application Key as defined by the LoRaWAN network operator. This is used to encrypt communication, so keep it secret. Hex format without 0x prefix. |
OTAADelay | int | OTAA | Seconds to wait for a new attempt after an unsuccessful OTAA join. The actual waiting time will be randomly increased by up to a third of that amount, in order to avoid devices repeatedly interfering with each other through bad timing. The default value is 300, which means the timeout between attempts is 300-400 seconds. |
AppSKey | bytes[16] | ABP | App Session Key as defined by the LoRaWAN network operator. Hex format without 0x prefix. |
NetSKey | bytes[16] | ABP | Network Session Key ad defined by the LoRaWAN network operator. Hex format without 0x prefix. |
DevAdr | bytes[4] | ABP | Device Address as defined by the LoRaWAN network operator. Hex format without 0x prefix. |
SF | int | both | Initial LoRa spreading factor used for transmissions. Valid range is 7-12. The actual spreading factor used might change during operation of the device if Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) is used. |
TxPower | int | both | Initial transmission output power in dBm. The LoRaWAN protocol allows only specific values: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14. The actual power used might change during operation if Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) is used. |
ADR | bool | both | true: use adaptive data rate (ADR) false: don't use adaptive data rate (ADR) |
Name | Type | Description |
loraMaxMsgSize | int | Received wireless M-Bus telegrams might have a byte size bigger than a single LoRaWAN message can hold. This parameter defines the bytes per LoRaWAN message before a partition over multiple LoRaWAN Uplink msg appears. (Range 10-50 bytes) |
resetHours | int | Hours after which the firmware will reset and rejoin the network. Can support the change of LoRaWAN network providers with already deployed devices. (0 = never) |
cmodeCron | string | Cron Expression defining when the device starts wMBUS T1/C1 mode receive phases. Please refer to chapter "Cron expression" for an introduction. (blank = no T1/C1 receive) |
cmodeDurSec | int | Duration in seconds for each C1/T1-mode wMBUS receive phase, if cmodeCron != blank. Should be chosen in relation the wMBUS sendout interval of the target meter. |
smodeCron | string | Cron Expression defining when the device starts wMBUS S1 mode receive phases. Please refer to chapter "Cron expression" for an introduction. (blank = no S1 receive) |
smodeDurSec | int | Duration in seconds for each S1-mode wMBUS receive phase, if smodeCron != blank. Should be chosen in relation the wMBUS sendout interval of the target meter. |
devFilter | string | wMBUS device id white-list filter using 8 digits with leading zeros list separated by ','. Example '88009035,06198833'. (blank = filter inactive) |
mFilter | string | wMBUS manufacturer white-list filter separated by ',' . Example: 'DME,QDS' for receiving just telegrams from Diehl Metering GmbH and Qundis GmbH meters. Telegrams with different 3 character wMBUS manufacturer id will not be uploaded via LoRaWAN. (blank = filter inactive) |
typFilter | string | wMBUS device type white-list filter list separated by ','. Example: '08,07' for Heat-Cost and Water meters. Please refer to appendix B.1 for a list of possible values. (blank = filter inactive) |
Cron expressions are used to define specific points in time and regular repetitions of them. The schedule for data collecting phases is defined using the CRON format which is very powerful format to define repeatedly occurring events.
Standard Lobaro devices typically do not need to know the real time for proper operation. All times are relative to the random time when batteries are inserted. |
If needed by the target application Lobaro can deliver on request special hardware support for keeping data acquisition intervals based on a real time clock which stays in sync with the real time. Please contact Lobaro directly if you need such a custom product variant. A cron expression consists of 6 values separated by spaces:
Seconds (0-59)
Minutes (0-59)
Hours (0-23)
Days (1-31)
Month (1-12)
Day of Week (SUN-SAT b= [0,6])
Examples of CRON definitions:
0 5 * * * * | Hourly at minute 5, second 0 (at 00:05:00, 01:05:00, ...) |
0 1/10 * * * * | every 10 minutes from minute 1, second 0 (minutes 1, 11, 21, ...) |
0 0 6 * * * | Daily at 6:00:00 |
0 0 13 1,15 * * | 1st and 15th day of every month at 13:00:00 |
0 0 9 1-5 * * | Every month daily from day 1 till 5 at 9:00:00 |
After collecting wireless M-Bus telegrams over the air, the Bridge starts uploading data via LoRaWAN. There exist two data formats that are transmitted over different LoRaWAN ports. As LoRaWAN can only transmit very short messages, the message formats contain only data bytes. The meaning of a byte is determined by its position within a message. The following describes the package formats used by the wireless M-Bus Bridge.
Port 1 - In order to provide some information about the health & connectivity state of the device itself, the device sends a status update at a daily basis. The status packet is sent on the first upload phase after activation of the device (after reboot) and then repeatedly in every upload phase that takes place a day or longer after the previous status packet. It has a fixed length of 7 bytes. The battery voltages and ambient temperature are encodes as 16 bit integer using little endian encoding.
name | type | bytes | description | example |
version | uint8[3] | 0-2 | Version of the firmware running on the device | 1, 5, 1 ≡ v1.5.1 |
v_bat | uint16 | 3-4 | Battery voltage in mV | 2947 ≡ 2:947V |
temp | int16 | 5-6 | Temperature measured inside the device in 1/10 °C | 246 ≡ 24.6°C |
We provide a JavaScript reference implementation of a decoder for this status packet on GitHub, which can be used directly for decoding in The Things Network.
After each wMBUS collecting phase, all saved telegrams (up to 500 can be stored) will be uploaded via LoRaWAN uplink messages as fast as possible. The received wMBUS telegrams that did pass the configured white list filters will be uploaded without any modification in one or more LoRaWAN messages. If a wMBUS telegram is bigger than the bridge configuration parameter loraMaxMsgSize the transmission will be done using multiple LoRaWAN messages. This parameter is limited to ≤ 50 bytes due to LoRaWANs maximum payload size restrictions. In case of telegram splitting is needed the receiving backend application server as to reassemble the original wMBUS telegram before decryption & parsing of the meter data. This is done by simply joining the messages together in the order of receive. The LoRaWAN port encodes identifies a LoRaWAN fragment of the original wireless M-Bus telegram. This way partial messages can be identified using the LoRaWAN Port:
Gaps in the LoRaWAN Frame Counter are giving a hint for missing telegram parts which can happen in LoRaWAN since it's a ALOHA based protocol, e.g. collisions and some packet losses are accepted by principle of operation. In case the backend noticed a missing packet the wMBUS telegram can't be assembled anymore as described before.
Examples (with loraMaxMsgSize = 50):
The bridge has to work in compliance with the European SRD 868 1% duty-cycle regulations. This implies as a rule of thumb the device can upload at most wMBUS telegrams for 36 seconds every hour. The actual transmit time ('ToA: time on air') for each LoRaWAN message depends on the byte size and the used LoRa spreading factor (SF) which denes how redundant LoRa data is send. This means a device with good connectivity and consequently using LoRa SF7 (ToA ≤ 0,050s) can upload much faster more data than a node using LoRa SF11 (ToA ≥ 1s) due to a hard to reach LoRaWAN gateway. The bridge will upload in conformity with the regulations automatically as fast as possible. When it has to wait it enters a low power sleep mode until the next transmission is possible again. The next data collection phase will be started only after completion of the previous upload phase in respect to the configured cmodeCron or smodeCron, whichever is earlier. Because of this it is advisable to define the cron parameters with an estimation of the upload duration in mind. This will avoid unexpected 'skipping' of data collection phases. If you find that the data rate LoRaWAN offers is a limitation for your setup, we could also provide you with a wireless M-Bus solution that uses alternate data transmission technologies, for example GSM/LTE or NarrowBand-IoT. Find our contact information under https://www.lobaro.com/contact/, or simple send us an email to info@lobaro.com - either English or German is fine.
After receiving the raw wireless M-Bus telegrams from your LoRaWAN network provider the actual metering data has to be decrypted and decoded by a backend service for further processing. The details of this are described in the EN 13757 norm and the newer OMS specification, which is a clarification of the original underlying norm. A universal wireless M-Bus decoder is a relatively complicated piece of software if you start implementing it from scratch since the norm covers many different use cases, units, meter types and data formats. If you know in advance the exact telegram format of the deployed meters in your setup a hard coded data decoding may be a feasible approach. This is because wireless M-Bus devices often send the same telegram format in every transmission. Please contact the manufacturer of your meters for the needed telegram format details.
An an alternative to support a quick evaluation of our hardware Lobaro offers a easy to use webservice which is designed to decode all sorts of wMBUS input data including decryption if the correct key has been provided (see picture above). This REST API returns a JSON object including all encapsulated fields, e.g. the actual metering values. This greatly simplifies the bridge integration into your web based service or application. A 12 months period of free access to this API is included in our 'wmbus bridge testpacket' offer for quick device evaluation. API Integration into production systems is also possible, but in this case a separate agreement about a royalty fee must be achieved up front. For more information on licensing our wireless M-Bus parsing API plase send us your request via email to info@lobaro.com - either English or German is fine.
Product | |
Type name | wMBUS-LoRaWAN |
Description | wMBUS over LoRaWAN Bridge |
RF transceiver | |
Chipset | Semtech SX1272 |
Frequency Range | 863 to 870 MHz |
TX Power | ≤ 14 dBm |
LoRa communication | |
LoRaWAN Protocol | Class A / Class C LoRaWAN 1.1 EU868 |
Activation method | Over-the-air activation (OTAA) Activation by personalization (ABP) |
Encryption | AES128 |
Typically RF range | ≤ 2km |
Ideal RF range | ≤ 10km (free line of sight) |
Wireless M-BUS communication | |
Supported Modes (EN13757-4) | S1, C1, T1 |
Frequencies | 868.3 MHz, 868.95 MHz |
RF Range | ≤ 30m |
Telegram memory | up to 500 telegrams (on request: 1.500) |
Power Supply | |
Nominal Supply Voltage | 3V |
Supply Voltage Range | 2.2V - 3.7V |
Power supply | 2xAA battery, 1.5V (LR6/FR6) 5V USB powered over Lobaro Adapter On Request: 230V mains adapter, 3.6V Battery |
Current consumption @3V | |
Normal | ≤3 mA |
Wireless M-BUS RX | ≤14 mA |
LoRa RX | ≤14 mA |
LoRa TX | ≤80 mA |
Sleep with RTC running | ≤20 µA |
Mechanical dimensions | |
Size | 114.3 mm x 59.3 mm x 26.8 mm |
Housing Material | ABS plastic |
Environmental Requirements | |
Operating temperature range | -20°C to +55°C |
Max. Installation height | 2m |
Conformity | |
Forwarding of wireless M-BUS messages via LoRaWAN.
function readVersion(bytes, i) { if (bytes.length < 3) { return null; } return "v" + bytes[i] + "." + bytes[i + 1] + "." + bytes[i + 2]; } function Decoder(bytes, port) { // Decode an uplink message from a buffer // (array) of bytes to an object of fields. var decoded = {}; if (port === 9) { decoded.devStatus = bytes[0]; decoded.devID = bytes[1] | bytes[2] << 8 | bytes[3] << 16 | bytes[4] << 24; decoded.dif = bytes[5]; decoded.vif = bytes[6]; decoded.data0 = bytes[7]; decoded.data1 = bytes[8]; decoded.data2 = bytes[9]; } // example decoder for status packet by lobaro if (port === 1 && bytes.length == 9) { // status packet decoded.FirmwareVersion = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes.slice(0, 5)); // byte 0-4 decoded.Vbat = (bytes[5] | bytes[6] << 8) / 1000.0; // byte 6-7 (originally in mV) decoded.Temp = (bytes[7] | bytes[8] << 8) / 10.0; // byte 8-9 (originally in 10th degree C) decoded.msg = "Firmware Version: v" + decoded.FirmwareVersion + " Battery: " + decoded.Vbat + "V Temperature: " + decoded.Temp + "°C"; } else if (port === 1 && bytes.length == 7) { decoded.FirmwareVersion = readVersion(bytes, 0); // byte 0-2 decoded.Vbat = (bytes[3] | bytes[4] << 8) / 1000.0; // originally in mV decoded.Temp = (bytes[5] | bytes[6] << 8) / 10.0; // originally in 10th degree C decoded.msg = "Firmware Version: " + decoded.FirmwareVersion + " Battery: " + decoded.Vbat + "V Temperature: " + decoded.Temp + "°C"; } return decoded; } |
Old stable v1.6 firmware release for reference only: Download: app-wMbusLoraBridge-1.6.0.hex Consider using the current v2.x version instead! |
Firmware Changelog:
LoRaWAN Changes: - Support ADR ChMask to disable Channels - Restore default channels when loosing uplink connectivity - Support LoRaWAN NewChannelReq MAC command - Support LoRaWAN DlChannelReq MAC command - Support LoRaWAN RxParamSetupReq MAC command - No LoraWAN MAC Commands are dropped when unknown MAC command is received - Fix bug with endless loop when unknown LoRaWAN MAC command was received - Improve debug logs of LoRaWAN stack