There are different downlink Types to be queued:

Downlink Types

TypeData (example)

  "d": {
    "mFilter": "LOB",
    "listenCron": "0 0/20 * * * *",
    "cmodeDurSec": "600"
  "q": "config"

The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases.

The config values to be updated.


	"d": { 
		"app": "app-firmware-1.0.0.hex",
	 	"boot": "app-boot-nrf9160-sec-TZ2-1.7.0-mcuboot-slot1.hex"  
	"q": "fw"

The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases.

The Firmware files to be downloaded by the device.

  • app: Application firmware file
  • boot: secure bootstrap firmware file (optional)

  "q": "reboot"

The JSON Format might be subject to change in future releases.


	format: "ASCII",
	data: "ascii-downlink-payload"

Raw downlink data, currently only supported for Tektelek devices.

Raw Downlinks (for Tektelek)

Currently only supported for Tektelek devices.

You can schedule a downlink with the following content:

Type: raw


	format: "ASCII",
	data: "ascii-downlink-payload"

Currently only the format "ASCII" is supported.