We support integrations for various LoRaWAN Network Server. 


Receive data from a LoRaWAN network server

  1. Create a Bearer Token or BasicAuth credentials in the Lobaro Platform with the role network-server to allow write access for device data.
  2. Configure your network server to send data to the corresponding endpoint (see list below) using the token (e.g. Bearer eyJhbGciOiJ...) or BasicAuth credentials in the Authorization header field.
    Please consult the documentation of your network server for further instructions.

Platform REST Endpoints for network server integrations:

We also support other network servers

on request, e.g. Firefly, ... Just ask!

Create a Platform Token

Most integrations require a Bearer Token to authenticate requests between the LNS and the Lobaro Platform.

Tokens can be generated on "Lobaro Platform → Integrations → REST" and need the role "network-server"

Access Tokens

All API calls must be authenticated with an access token. Access tokens can be managed on the REST Integration page.

Each token has a list of roles assigned to it.

Token roles:

  • network-server: Allows to write device data. Required for LoRaWAN Network Server Integrations.

Add the Token into the HTTP request Header:

  • Field: Authorization
  • Value: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIU...

Copy the whole generated token:

Integrate Chirpstack

  • Go to your Application in ChripStack. (or create one) and go to Integrations and choose HTTP:// ADD .
  • Add the Devices Configured in Chirpstack to the same Lobaro Platform Organisation as the Integration.
    • Configuration → Hardware →New Hardware
    • DevEUI/DeviceName from ChirpStack as Adress. Name as you like. type According your Device, Org → Same as the Integration(!)
  • Under Devices you should now see if the Device receives data for your device  from chirpstack. (First have a look in Chripstack if Chipstack is receiving data it can forward.)

Integrate TTN V3

Create or open your application and add a cutsom Webhook integration:

Configure the Webhook:

  • Webhook ID: custom string to identify the Webhook
  • Webhook format: JSON
  • Base URL: https://platform.lobaro.com/api/ttn/data
  • Additional headers:
    • Authorization
    • Bearer eyJhbG... (from Lobaro Platform → Integrations → REST) with role "network-server" (see above)
  • Enabled messages: Enable all types, no custom paths are needed.

Add webhook

Integrate Loriot

Since Platform Version >1.8.7

Get a Token with 

  1. Go to you application in Loriot
  2. Select "Output" from the navigation 
  3. Select "HTTP Push" 
  4. Enter the Target URL and Authorization header value
    1. Target URL https://platform.lobaro.com/api/chirpstack/data (change the domain if you have a dedicated instance)
    2. Get the custom "Authorization" header value from the Lobaro Platform "Integrations → REST" Bearer Token with role "network-server"

Integrate Actility

Add the Lobaro Platform as Application Server

Go to "Application servers" and create a new entry

Give a name and set the "Content Type" to JSON

Add a HTTP custom header "Authorization" with a platform token (see above).

Add a route with "Routing strategy" Sequential and destination (see above, e.g. https://platform.lobaro.com/api/actility/data)


Press "Save"

Add a AS routing profile

Use the Routing Profile at the device

Integrate Wanesy

Go to Administration → Clusters → Push configurations

To Add an Push Configuration press the Plus Button:


  • Name: e.g. "Lobaro Platform"
  • Type: HTTP
  • Message Detail level: Network


  • URL: https://platform.lobaro.com/api/wanesy
  • User: <as generated by the platform basic auth credentials> e.g. token-58
  • Password: <as generated by the platform basic auth credentials>
  • Data Up router: /dataUp
  • Data Down event route: /dataDownEvent


  • Leave empty

Custom headers

  • Leave empty

Press "Validate" should result in a green success message.

Assign the Push Configuration to a Cluster on the Clusters Tab.

  • No labels