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Wireless M-Bus NB-IoT Gateway with external power supply.

Order number
  • 8000157 - Wireless M-Bus Gateway (ext. Power, Din-Rail)
  • 8000158 - Wireless M-Bus Gateway (ext. Power, 230V)

Image Modified

Image Modified

8000157 - Wireless M-Bus Gateway (ext. Power, Din-Rail)

Including: Antenna

8000158 - Wireless M-Bus Gateway (ext. Power, 230V)

Including: Antenna, 1x cable feedthrough

Table of Content

Table of Contents


Radio (LoRa, FSK, NB-IoT, LTE Cat-M1)

Image Modified

Image Modified

Image Modified

Female SMA ConnectorAntennaNano SIM (4FF) for mobile connectivity

The antenna is used for different radio technologies based on LoRa, FSK including LoRaWAN® and wireless MBUS S1, C1/T1 Modes (868 MHz), OMS v3 & v4.


Properties of compatible SMA Antennas: 

SMA Joint Rod Antenna (LTE, LoRa)
Frequency range698-960 / 1710-2700 MHz
Length108 mm
Antenna Gain2 dBi
V.S.W.R<= 2.5
Max. Power5 W
Impedance50 Ohm
ConnectorSMA Male
Material of domeTPE
Lobaro Article Nr. 3000413


The device was only tested with the listed antenna. Lobar does not take liability for the use with other antennas.



For details about configuration for mobile network operation please refer to our article about Mobile Network ConnectionLTE / NB-IoT Networks


The device is shipped with default configuration parameters. The configuration can be changed via the 6-pin config port using the Lobaro USB Configuration Adapter.



Remote Configuration is also supported after initial network connection.

Connection Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
WANUplink techoologyltePossible values: lte, lorawan

LoRaWAN Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
OTAAActivation: OTAA or ABPtruetrue= use OTAA, false= use ABP
DevEUIDevEUI used to identify the Device
e.g. 0123456789abcdef
JoinEUIUsed for OTAA (called AppEUI in v1.0)
e.g. 0123456789abcdef
AppKeyKey used for OTAA (LoRaWAN v1.0.x and v1.1)

NwkKeyKey used for OTAA (LoRaWAN v1.1 only)


Initial and maximum Spearding Factor12
ADRAdaptiv Data Rate (ADR) enabledtrue
TimeSyncDays after which to sync time over LoRaWAN0days, 0=don't sync time
RemoteConfAllow remote config via LoRaWANtrue
LostRebootDays without downlink before reboot7days, 0=never reboot
  • 0 = Encoding in ports
  • 1 = prefix bytes and time
  • 2 = prefix bytes, time, and rssi
0For details see manual of wMBUS LoRaWAN bridge

NB-IoT Parameters

The NB-IoT functionality is enabled if the WAN parameter is set to "lte". A SIM-Card has to inserted.

NameDescriptionDefault ValueValue Description & Examples
HostHostname / IP of the Lobaro Platform API94.130.20.3794.130.20.37 = (warning) DNS is not supported yet
PortPort number of the Lobaro Platform API5683

OperatorMobile Operator Code2620126201 (=Deutsche Telekom), for other operators, see above.
BandNB-IoT Band8"8", "20", "8,20", Empty = Auto detect (longer connecting time)
APNMobile operator


Vodafone Easy Connect: (l =


little L)

PINSIM PIN (since v0.7.0)
Empty or 4 digits (e.g. 1234)
UseNbiotTry to connect with NB-IoTtrue

UseLtemTry to fallback to LTE-M when supported by the Modemfalse(warning) not supported with all Hardware revisions

Metering reception Parameters

NameDescriptionDefault ValueDefault Values & Examples
cmodeDurSecDuration (Seconds) of wireless M-Bus C1/T1-mode receive3000= Do not collect C1/T1 mode
smodeDurSecDuration (Seconds) of wireless M-Bus S1-mode receive00= Do not collect S1 mode
xmodeDurSec Duration (Seconds) of Sensus RF receive0 0= Do not collect Sensus RF telegrams
mFilterwMBus manufacturer filter sep. by , e.g. dme,itw (Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces)

blank= no filter,  (warning) not used for xmode (Sensus RF)
typFiltermeter device type filter e.g. 08,07 for Heat Cost and Water (Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces)

blank= no filter, (warning) not used for xmode (Sensus RF)

titleType Codes
00: "Other",
01: "Oil",
02: "Electricity",
03: "Gas",
04: "Heat",
05: "Steam",
06: "Warm Water", // 30 - 90°C
07: "Water",
08: "Heat Cost",
09: "Compressed Air",
0A: "Cooling load meter (outlet)",
0B: "Cooling load meter (inlet)",
0C: "Heat (inlet)",
0D: "Heat / Cooling load meter",
0E: "Bus / System component",
0F: "Unknown",
10: "consumption meter",
11: "consumption meter",
12: "consumption meter",
13: "consumption meter",
14: "Calorific value",
15: "Hot Water", // >= 90°C
16: "Cold Water",
17: "Dual Water meter", // Hot and Cold
18: "Pressure",
19: "A/D Converter",
1A: "Smoke detector",
// 1B - DD: "Reserved"
1B: "Room", // e.g. temp, humidity
1C: "Gas detector",
1D: "Sensor",
1E: "Sensor",
1F: "Sensor",
20: "Breaker (electricity)",
21: "Valve (gas or water)",
22: "Switching device",
23: "Switching device",
24: "Switching device",
25: "Customer unit (display device)",
26: "Customer units",
27: "Customer units",
29: "Garbage",
2A: "Carbon dioxide",
30: "system device",
31: "Communication controller",
32: "Unidirectional repeater",
33: "Bidirectional repeater",
34: "system device",
35: "system device",
36: "Radio converter (system side)",
37: "Radio converter (meter side)",
38 - 0x3F // Reserved for system devices
40 - 0xFE: Reserved
FF: "Invalid", // Wild card searching [EN 13757-3:2013], 11.3 and 11.5.3


meter id filter e.g. 

  • cmode, smode (wmbus): 88009035 (digits)
  • cmode, smode (wmbus): 06198833 (8 digits with leading 0)
  • xmode (Sensus RF): 10121335300 (11 digits, no "-"!)

(Comma separated list WITHOUT spaces: 88009035,13456035,56268931)

blank= no filter
maxTelegramsMaximum number of telegrams to receive. If reached, the upload is started.0
listenCronCron expression defining when to receive wMBUS0 0 12 * * *0 0 12 * * * = (once per day)

Configure paramters for the external ram in format: <bytes>,<type>

  • Type 0: Default
  • Type 1: Required for 2MBit SRAM (IS62WVS2568GBLL-45NLI-TR)
  • 2MBit SRAM IS62WVS2568GBLL-45NLI-TR use: 262144,1

 See also our Introduction to Cron expressions.


Uploading one wMbus telegram consumes approximately 400 bytes data including all metadata.

Telegram upload intervalMonthly NB-IoT data usage
1 each Day~12 kB
8 each Day (every 3h)~100 kB
400 each Week~700 kB
250 each Day~3 MB

All calculations are estimations and might varry depending on the configuration


CE Declaration of Conformity

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