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Navigate to: Integrations -> REST

The API is located and documented at:

Access Tokens

All API calls must be authenticated with an access token. Access tokens can be managed on the REST Integration page.

Each token has a list of roles assigned to it.

Token roles:

  • network-server: Allows to write device data. Required for LoRaWAN Network Server Integrations.

Add the Token into the HTTP request Header:

  • Field: Authorization
  • Value: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIU...

Filter query parameters

Filters parameters can be appended to some requests in the form of<type>:<field>=<op>:<value> e.g. f:createdAt=gt:<timestamp> to filter by createdAt date.

  • <type> is either "f" for fields, or "fa" for arrays (e.g. to search in tags)
  • <field> is the field to be queried and specified for each endpoint separately. Common fields are e.g. "id", "createdAt", "updatedAt"
  • <value> is the value to be queried. The Value must be URL encoded e.g. a timestamp might look like gt:2000-01-01T02:37:00%2B01:00
  • <op> is the operator between the field and the value, see list of allowed operators below.

<op> must be one of the following operators:

In QueryMeaningValid for <type>
SQL LIKE operatorf
SQL ILIKE operatorf
containsarray field contains all of the valuesfa
containedbyarray field is contained by by the list of valuesfa
overlaparray field and list of values overlapfa

If no operator is given the default eq operator will be used for fields and contains for arrays.

Example requests

Get data from a single device by address
